Keep bulking or cut?

Hi, I've been bulking on and off for the last few years and my lifts have gone up nicely.

Squat from 45kg to 152kg
Pause Bench from 40 to 92kg
Deadlift from 80 to 180kg
Overhead Press from 22kg to 65kg

I've been chasing the 100kg bench as I really wanted to get this before I cut but I can't decide if I should just cut now and go for it on my next bulk since I'm feeling a bit on the fluffier side but at the same time I feel like if I cut I'll be further away from my bench goal. I've gone from 104lb very underweight to 152lb (I'm 5'5" tall btw) and my waist is currently 32 inches (used to be 28).
Here's a before and after photo, I've just had a big meal in the after photo so a bit bloated.

What do you guys think I should do? keep going or cut now?

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Can just about see my abs still if I tense lol
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from Forums - Nutrition


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