No "sweets" + alcohol in 2019 challenge


As a former obese person sometimes I keep moving in vicious circle of fat loss + weekend´s overeating on sweets which leads to a very slow progress on getting from +-20% BF to really lean I am going to challenge myself not to eat any sweets (pastry, candies, chocolates, cakes, homemade stuff, honey, jams, icecream...) containing added sugars during the whole year of 2019 incl. birthdays, parties, Christmas etc. Also I wont drink any alcohol however I almost don´t drink at all so it should not really be a challenge. Otherwise I follow diet of minimally processed food.

I do this with a vision of finally getting to my desired BF, health and good feeling + break the sugar/sweets addiction ("everything in moderation" does not work with me - I need to go cold turkey). I wish not to crave any sweets anymore - I wish this not to be only a one year challenge but maybe a whole life approach for future.

Have you somebody tried a challenge like this, what were your expectations and what were the results? How have people around you reacted - nobody actually thinks I can do it. I believe that a joy of life does not lie in junk food and sugary stuff that most of us consume and I wanna break away from it.

Thanks for your comments.

from Forums - Nutrition

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