so tired of everything

kg (46 ibs) then, by doing cardio 6 times a week for 2-3 hours a day, I didn't know it was wrong. I enden up with a weight 56,4 kg (124,3 ibs) , and my height is 170 cm (5"7).

In august I began to eat 1600 calories with only 2 week eating 800. my body fat was 26,2 and muscle mass 21,4%. But my period began to come late, so I went to the doctor. she told me that im not allowed to loose more weight, eat at a defecit, and that I only should train 3-4 times 1 hour or I could loose my period forever. so I began to add 100 calories each week until I reached 1990. maintance is 2040. but I eat 1990 now and gain :/. and have been doing that since October. and from 7 weeks ago I began to strength train for the first time, and tree weeks into my strength train I took a test more, my body fat got higher so it was 27,8%, muskelmass got lower by 0,1, and weight higher 57,5 kg (126,7 ibs). And i know the test isnt 100 trustfull.

he weight training, I don't see any results. I eat my protein, I eat 80/20. I got a test more, body fat got higher again, it is now 28,3%+ and weight is 58,4 kg (128,7 ibs) but muscles mass the same. I don't get results. I want abs ans booty, and get toned, but I can't get that with high body fat. if I want to gain muscle I need surplus= then im gonna have too big fat procent. and I can't loose the fat, but I should if I want abs. but im not allowed.

so how do I reach my goal. I kinda want body like Karina Elle and Elisabeth rioux.

by the way I used inBody as measure body fat, and I know its inaccurate
have anybody tried this problem as me.
which formula do you use for calculate calorie?
this is my body
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