Cross roads for what to do continue to try gain strength or cut

Hey I’m 18 yo 5”7 and I’m finishing up a dirty bulk shortly.
Sept 2018-Dec 2018

130lbs-147lbs (want to be 150)
Started bulk by performing SS for 12 weeks and have since switched over to Johnny canditos novice program.
photos on my account they suck tho

I was very lazy when dieting just ate a lot and lifted as heavy as possible.
Missed days here and there due to being lazy etc. Gained a lot of fat around my waist but also good leg muscle and some upper body muscle.

Lifts increase in kg (3x5):

At the start of the bulk I wanted to reach a 100kgx1 squat, 130x1 deadlift and 80x1 bench press and I’m not close to these number probably due to inconsistency. Deadlift is only one that’s close.

Can I sit at maintenance and reach my goals or do I have to continue bulking?

Any tips on what to do with my nutrition to reach my goals?

from Forums - Nutrition

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