So I started lifting about a year ago, I was working out alot for the first 8 months, then I started a new job and some other things occurred so I lost time to go to the gym. I have recently started going back to the gym but I want to learn more about nutrition to go alongside my progress. I am currently 160 pounds. I use to way 170 when I was at my peak. I currently eat the same thing everyday which I try to keep it somewhat healthy. I eat breakfast which contains 6 eggs and a protein shake, through out my 8 hours at work I eat 1 serving of almonds, 1 can of tuna, and 1 can of Vienna sausages, for lunch I have whatever I try and meal prep, this week was a hamburger casserole, If I dont meal prep its usually 2x peanut butter sandwiches. I also try to drink quite a bit of water through out the work day. I then hit the gym and twice a week i do cardio. I then drink another protein shake post-workout. For dinner I either have some more eggs, or I have chicken breast or salmon. usually just baked and tasteless lol. so basically what im asking is if this is a good/decently healthy food plan, im trying to gain weight aswell as muscle mass. eventually I want to stop eating as many calories and cut to look lean. Im new to the workout scene and nutrition scene really. and I could use some advice or some threads/websites/resources to read to learn up on things.
from Forums - Nutrition
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