My First Bulk - Any Advice on My Nutrition/ Workout Plan?

I'm bulking for the first time in my life (23 yo). I'm 5'8" 145lbs ~10-12bf and am the fittest I have ever been. I am naturally a fat kid and have only recently gotten super fit in the last 5 years. I am south asian and I hold most of my fat on my belly. My abs look nice right now, but my legs and back are really shredded in comparison. Genetics are not on my side for size, but I have amazing stamina (I can get up and run a marathon if I'd like to right now without training). I also have very nice shoulders. I've been lifting semi-serious for 3 years but only got into consistent diet and lifting for the past 6 months. I've never bulked (intentionally lol) with a consistent diet and workout plan.

Currently (was cutting):
I do SL5x5s with 30 second rest intervals followed by ~20-40 minutes of light cardio/jump rope MWF. T/TH I do cardio (boxing with a heavy bag for 3 minutes on 1 minute off for 10 rounds = 40 minutes) and 20 minutes of ab work. S/S I rest. My lifts with this style currently are: squat 205, bench 135, deadlift 275, shoulder press 105, row 135.
IIFYM, eating clean whole foods + a protein shake for 160g p / 180g c / 40-50g f. ~1800 cals, everything measured religiously 6 days a week. 1 day a week I eat whatever my heart desires, tend to fast for breakfast and eat ~4-5k cals the rest of the day (My maintenance calculator says I should be eating ~2800 normally). My cheat day I usually bump up volume; I love to cook so this is the only day I get to eat "tasty" foods like regular bread and pizza. This lifestyle is my preferred way as I've been able to enjoy my diet and lose fat for 6 months now.

Bulk Plan:
Aim to bulk from 145 @ 10%bf to ~165-170 @ 20%bf for 20 weeks.
Do SL 5X5s, but increase rest time to 90 seconds. Perform 5 sets of 7 reps for extra volume MWF. T/TH still do 20 mins of abs. All other days, cut cardio in half. Id really like to keep doing SLs as its simple and easy to keep track of and I always get a great workout in.
Bump 1800 cals to 2100 for a week, then 2300, then 2500. In 3 weeks if I don't hit maintenance add 100 cals of carbs to get to 0.5-1lb of gain a week. Macro split: 180g p / 200g c/ 60-90g f. For the fat kid in me, work in cheat foods into my macros and once a week do a cheat meal (not a cheat day) fitting best into my macros as possible).

Any advice on what my current plan is? This is my first time bulking and I'm super scared of becoming fat.

tldr: Moving from a cut to a bulk. Advice on bumping my calories from 160p/180c/40f to 180p/200c/70f and SL5x5s into 5x7s?

from Forums - Nutrition

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