TCARE®'s supports Care Recipients by supporting Care Givers

Care Recipients are one who receives care; an individual with a medical condition or who requires support with activities of daily living and is in a relationship with a caregiver, such as a doctor, nurse, friend, or family member, who provides treatment, assistance, or comfort. Care recipients are not necessarily passive; often must be taken to access, secure, and personalize care. This may involve navigation of the health-care and insurance system; decision making based on personal, family, or cultural values and beliefs; selecting, managing, and adhering to the treatment regime; emotional responses to and coping with the potential stress of receiving care, and managing communication with care providers. Long-term care at home is provided to people with functional restrictions who mainly reside at their own home. It also applies to the use of institutions on a temporary basis to support continued living at home, such as in the case of community care and daycare centres and in the case of respite care. Home care also includes specially designed or adapted living arrangements for persons who require help on a regular basis while guaranteeing a high degree of autonomy and self-control. TCARE® is the only evidence-based family caregiver support program in the country recognized by the U.S. Administration on Community Living. The system has been proven to reduce caregiver stress and clinical depression, delay or prevent out-of-home placement of the care recipient, and reduce hospital stays and re admissions.

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