Gained 15 lbs in a week

Hey so I decided to turn my life around... a bit about me,

Back in gr 11 so 2015 I was like 6'4"-6'5" 155 and I worked out everyday for like 2 or 3 months while training for basketball. I used a mass gainer(no creatine), and ate well and was 180lbs. Anyways I stopped playing sports when I moved to my narccistic father because he couldnt spend a dime on me and I couldnt afford the gym and didn't have my mother making dinner anymore so I dropped to like 160lbs. Not playing sports ****ed my appetite. Then last summer I went through a depressive phase, ended up in the hospital twice and ****, and I wasnt eating or drinking I dropped to legit 140 lbs, at 6'6"-6'7". My body looked anorexic/borderline anorexic. I started to eat a bit more here and there so I was in the 150s again.

Last week I began loading creatine and working out, eating, studying to get my life back together and Ill be honest I feel healtheir than ever and have so much energy. I took a pic and was a flat 150 lbs. Now Im 165 1 week later, Im done loading creatine, but Ive also been eating like a horse and drinking a lot of water 4500 to 5000+ cals a day. I can still see my abs and they actually look fuller now, so it wasn't fat. Ik you gain 8 pounds of water weight with creatine but my question is...

Should I be worried about gaining 15 lbs (150-165 @ 6'7") in a week? My muscles seem considerably bigger, I had t rex arms so little differences show a lot... maybe its because my muscles shrunk when I stopped working out so regaining them wont take as log? I heard that some people gained muscle too quick from using creatine and they ended up in the hospital because their heart cant pump enough blood to their muscles. Im also thinking it might just be the creatine since the avg person gains 8lbs of water weight, maybe at my height I gain a bit more? I don't mind since my goal is to be 200+ pounds within a year of now I just want to be alive to witness it.

from Forums - Nutrition

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