Recent JAMA Article on Eggs, Cholesterol, and CVD

“Overall, recent intervention studies with eggs demonstrate that the additional dietary cholesterol does not negatively affect serum lipids, and in some cases, appears to improve lipoprotein particle profiles and HDL functionality.”

“Among US adults, higher consumption of dietary cholesterol or eggs was significantly associated with higher risk of incident CVD and all-cause mortality in a dose-response manner.” the confusing nature of nutrition science

Thoughts? Both studies are clearly very reliable, but the results are pretty contradictory. I’ve read other studies that showed up to three eggs a day to increase HDL while lowering LDL, which seems completely against what the JAMA article says. I’d be curious to hear from some people with more practical experience have regarding their personal cholesterol levels/egg intakes over a relatively long period of time.

Any other studies are more than welcome, regardless of the results.

I also don't have a JAMA subscription, so I'm having to go off of the abstract provided and some bits from other sources

Also, just saw that this is my 500th post! I'm happy to be involved in this community, and I hope to be involved for a long time to come

from Forums - Nutrition

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