So I heard a gram of protein per lb of bodyweight is a good bench mark? At the moment I'm cutting down to 10% bodyfat (at about 15% atm) before I plan to lean bulk for most of the year, but I know I'm not and have never eaten enough protein. I honestly usually have 2 meals a day (when cutting) and I weigh 160lbs currently, but on the high end my lunch might have 30 grams and dinner might have 30 grams. Then one protein shake with 2 scoops is almost 50. That's still only 110 grams of protein and that's on the HIGH END. Often lunch and dinner could have way less. Just don't get how everyone eats so much protein, especially on a cut. 4 eggs is still only 24 g of protein. Should I just have another shake?
Any advice would be appreciated - I have a naturally low appetite as well so that makes it harder haha
Any advice would be appreciated - I have a naturally low appetite as well so that makes it harder haha
from Forums - Nutrition
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