Help with nutrition to meet my goals

Hello, I am seeking advice on my diet plans to reach my goal.

Currently I am 21, stand at 6,3, and 250 lbs. My body fat percentage is just under 20% ish. I come from a rugby background and have a big chest, arms, and wide shoulders. I have enough muscle mass to be satisfied with and want to cut to improve body compisition.

I’m mostly just wanting to cut for summer and intend on gaining lean muscle mass closer to winter.

I’m lucky enough to work at a gym so lifting and cardio are easy to do for me. I lift heavy 3-4 days a week and do a mix of steady and HIIT cardio at least 3-5 days a week. I’m primarily seeking advice on my macros so I know if I should keep on what I’ve been doing for the last few weeks or if I should get on a better track.

Currently my maintence calorie Intake is about 3300, so I’ve been aiming to eat 1800-2200 daily. I’m wanting to reduce the amount of muscle loss as much as I can. My current macros go as such:

Protein 45% (230g)
Carbs 30% (150g or less)
Fats 25% (65g)(by products from protein)

My protein sources come from only turkey, eggs, egg whites, chicken, and iso protein.

Carbs are veggies, sometimes fruits, and white jasmine rice.

Fats are usually by products from protein.

I’m splitting my meals up every 3 ish hours and consume 4 meals a day and usually a protein shake.

I only consume rice or yams before and after workout.

I have seen some results with this, I wanna know if this is an optimal diet for me, or if there are better ways on getting the results I want. Open to all ideas minus keto, and IF. I do however try to prolong fast 1-3 days here and there.

Any help or suggestions are really appreciated.

from Forums - Nutrition

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