Food advice for someone who is morbidly obese

I am 28 and have been morbidly obese since since my early teen years. I have never had a good relationship with food. Since my early 20's I have bounced from yo-yo diet to yo-yo diet. Last year I got down to 18 stone after lots of dieting and exercise at the gym. Then in the space of 3 months I reached 25 stone (350 pounds), which is where I am currently hovering around. I started another diet now, basically having 1 tin of tuna, 1 orange and then a meal of around 700-1000 calories for my dinner and I am doing approx 1 hour to 1 hour 30 mins exercise per day walking to work and hitting the treadmill and cross trainer at home (I am too big and don't have the confidence to get back to the gym at my current size).
When I start on these diets I always feel good on them, even though I feel like I am starving after work and frequently get dizzy / lightheaded and feel very weak in the evenings, but I feel like I am actually making progress again towards losing the weight. But I can already feel the danger signs. When I am in work I dream of eating fast food (Pizza, burgers, Kebabs) and sugary foods. I frequently find myself on Amazon filling the basket with sugary foods, imagining eating them and then feeling really bad about myself and removing them all.

I have noticed when I am doing something I enjoy (playing video games etc) and I start to feel happy/ good my thoughts immediately go to what is nice in the house that I can eat. I understand that I have an association with happiness and food, when I am happy I want food, when I am not happy I want food to make me feel happy. But when I do allow myself to eat extra during the day I feel depressed and disgusting in the shower that night. I don't know how to dissociate that feeling of only being happy when I have food that is not good for me.

Basically what I am looking for is any advice from anybody who has been in this position on how to kick the weight and get a better relationship with the food I eat so that I can keep the weight off and not end up regaining it again. I already have Hypertension from being obese, I need to try and lose it before end up with more serious conditions.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


from Forums - Nutrition

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