Any exercise that increases abdominal pressure, such as heavy lifting, stomach crunches, or high impact workouts, can trigger reflux. ... If you have GERD and a hiatal hernia, that's a double-whammy. Half of those with reflux have a hiatal hernia, even if they don't know it, Found out recently that my Hernia is causing my Heartburn, stomach pains, and all the BS associated with gerd even breathing issues, but Knowing this has helped me.
1.Changed my medication to Protonix 2 20MG one in the morning and one before bed haven't had heartburn since.
2.half the people with Hiatial hernia actually have some type of Scoliosis which is a curved spine, Found out i also have that lol, Every morning my Ritual is wake up take my protinix Drink a large glass of water and I do a 20 min Yoga/Spine stretch that has helped me a ****ton.
3. Increase your Water intake by 100% went from 1 or 2 glasses to 10 a day never felt better.
4.Multivitamin, since we have Hiatial hernias and gerd we can't always eat 6 meals a day like we want to if we are trying to get huge gains so its extremely important to take a multivitamin
5.Fruit, Right after my Glass of water and 30 min after i take Protinix I eat a apple and 30 min after dinner, With gerd and reflux our body dosen't digest food that well like other people so fruit can help us digest food and just feel so much better.
Just sharing what has helped me go from super sick to never feeling better, Protinix is a pill that has virtually 0 side effects unlike Nexium and all that other **** can literally **** you up, Work on your posture force yourself to sit up strait AF especially while eating and do Spine stretching in the morning. Drink a ton of water it can only help you, start every morning with a glass of water and eat fruit and take a multivitamin.
Let me know what has worked for you guys and girls who have suffered with Hernias, Gerd, spine issues. Oh and im benching 205 from 180 just weeks ago lol
1.Changed my medication to Protonix 2 20MG one in the morning and one before bed haven't had heartburn since.
2.half the people with Hiatial hernia actually have some type of Scoliosis which is a curved spine, Found out i also have that lol, Every morning my Ritual is wake up take my protinix Drink a large glass of water and I do a 20 min Yoga/Spine stretch that has helped me a ****ton.
3. Increase your Water intake by 100% went from 1 or 2 glasses to 10 a day never felt better.
4.Multivitamin, since we have Hiatial hernias and gerd we can't always eat 6 meals a day like we want to if we are trying to get huge gains so its extremely important to take a multivitamin
5.Fruit, Right after my Glass of water and 30 min after i take Protinix I eat a apple and 30 min after dinner, With gerd and reflux our body dosen't digest food that well like other people so fruit can help us digest food and just feel so much better.
Just sharing what has helped me go from super sick to never feeling better, Protinix is a pill that has virtually 0 side effects unlike Nexium and all that other **** can literally **** you up, Work on your posture force yourself to sit up strait AF especially while eating and do Spine stretching in the morning. Drink a ton of water it can only help you, start every morning with a glass of water and eat fruit and take a multivitamin.
Let me know what has worked for you guys and girls who have suffered with Hernias, Gerd, spine issues. Oh and im benching 205 from 180 just weeks ago lol
from Forums - Nutrition
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