Nutrition Cost Analysis/Economics - Anyone Else Interested?

Hey just leaving this post here for any forum users inclined towards economics or nutritional value of food, not so much raw ingredients than processed/restaurant food and breaking the latter down by different nutrient types. Just a few conversation starters:

- Do you think current, government sponsored statistical initiatives of labeling calorie counts of restaurant food (at least that's happening where I'm from in America) are sufficient enough to inform your item choices? Phrased differently, is the current statistic of Calories/Dollar (as known to USA folks) enough information for you to know about your food? You can answer this from a bodybuilding or general consumer perspective.

- What nutrients would you be interested in knowing from a breakdown of processed/restaurant food you usually eat? Technically, you should be able to separate each nutrient (or the raw ingredient associated with it) then from the market price of that nutrient/ingredient, determine how much you're paying for that certain nutrient as part of the total price of the food item.

- If there were readily available resources that tracked nutritional value of processed/restaurant food by the price portion that nutrient takes up, would you use them and why?

from Forums - Nutrition

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