Severely Underweight | Share your Diet plan of weight gaining

Some Fellows in previous post replied not to ask about roids so removed previous post.
Alright Folks please share your experience in this thread .
My Goal is to gain at least 50lbs current weight is 115lbs height 180cm age 27 so Target is double current weight that seems funny but I want to achieve it , how much time it will take? I feel it may be genetic problem . But after research came to know anyone can gain weight by maintaining calorie intake.
If I take a scoop of whey I have to skip meal because I feel full.
Any type of protein rich diet cause me full for many hours
How many days a week should I workout although My current strength is like 10-15 Reps of 45lbs barbells
Also I can't eat more how to increase appetite.
And sorry for noob questions. I am new to bodybuilding.

from Forums - Nutrition

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