Can you please tell me if my Leangains IF plan is ok? Any advice would be great

Hi guys

Im wondering if any of you can please help me with my Leangains IF (16/8) plan. Eating 12 (lunch) to 8pm. Fasting 8pm till 12 (lunch) daily.
I've done some research into what 'I' think I should be doing, but if you could point me in the right direction and tell me if there is anything I need to change, then that woud be great.

I will try to put as much information as possible, but if there is anything that I've missed, please tell me.

I've trained on and off for a number of years now. I usually just stick to the cardio, but this time I plan on stepping things up with the lifting in the gym and a combination of running 3 to 4 times a week (preferably not HIIT).

I have a little knowledge on the basis of things, but the science behind it all seems to get a little confusing. I tend to stick to researching people with science based facts.

Goal - To lose body fat and gain size. When I say size, Im aiming towards more of an athletic style look. But the more gains, the better.

I understand that it's going to take years, dedication and hard work to achieve results, but Im going to give it my best shot.

Gender - Male
Age - 35
Weight - 90kg or 198.4lbs or 14st 1bs
Height - 6ft 2" or 188cm

BMI- 25.2 (so classed as overwight)

Body Fat Percentage (Im unable to calculate this at present)

Macros (I've used the the FAT LOSS macro calculator on this site with moderate activity) - Carbs - 229g
Can you please tell me if this is the correct macros? protein - 229g
Fat - 51g

Calorie calculator (1lb a week) - 2290 calories/day
Im following my macros but I thought Id throw this one in there to)

Activity - Moderate exercise 4/5 times a week

Weightlifting - 3,4 or 5 times a week (It all depends how busy I am with work, but on average 4 times a week)
5 sets of 6-10 reps working different body groups each session and starting lowest weight first, gradually building
my weights up each set. I'll change my workout from time to time, so that my body doesn't adapt.

Running - 3 times a week at 4.5 miles (13.5 mies per week burning 2400 calories per week)
Walking - On a daily basis

Nutrition- closest to my daily macros as possible (I'll give you a GUIDELINE of what my diet consists of. Please tell me if if I'm missing anything out).

Drinking water/herbal tea ONLY (green tea or anything that takes my fancy) through out the day.
1 to 2 cups of tea/coffee with milk (during my none fasted period)

8am - 0.5l water
1/2tsp himalayan salt
1/2tsp cream of tartar
2tbsp apple cider vinegar

12 lunch - (As a high protein smoothie)
1 bannana
handful of kale
Chia seeds
Full fat greek yoghurt
Mixed nut blend
Whey protein
Mixed berry fruit
Nob of ginger

GYM - 1pm - 2pm

SNACK - Protein bar/whey shake with oats

4pm - Eggs
wholegrain Bread
Basil pesto
Vine tomatos
mixed leaf salad
Grated cheese (pecorino or a strong italian cheese)
Olive oil

SNACK - mixed unsalted nuts
70% cocao chocolate

8pm - Fish/Chicken
Broc****/mixed veg

Whey protein
Cod Liver Oil

From what I've been researching, would it be better to miss out any carbs at lunch/pre workout? I was watching a youtube video with Jim Stoppani. Apparently it's better to train without carbs during a pre workout. Youtube - Jim Stoppani Intermitent Fasting

If you could let me know your thoughts, that would be great.


from Forums - Nutrition


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