Serious question regarding high caloric intake and digestion

Hello everyone,

I have noticed a few threads similar to this in the past but most the responses seemed goofy and/or I couldn't tell if they were being serious. So I started bulking (eating around 3000 calories per day) about 6 years ago. I noticed I started have around 3-4 bowel movements per day (on rare occasions even 5 if I had a lot of coffee throughout the day). I went to a gastroentologist and they performed a colonoscopy with biopsy. Everything looked normal and biopsy was normal so the doctor said I had IBS since, according to him, "going any more than twice per day" is not normal. So I've been taking Imodium but I'm still occasionally going twice per day (even with the Imodium). It always looks normal. So I'm wondering, is my gastroentologist just not used to seeing people who eat this many calories? Even if I eat lower amounts of fiber I still have the same issue. Never any pain or anything. For example, yesterday I ate 3000 calories- today I had my normal morning bm and then while I was in the middle of a meeting about 4 hours later I had to go again (and again it was solid). I take metamucil at night and imodium in the morning, my doctor said it is "schizophrenic" but its probably my best bet. What are your experiences with bulking and bm frequency? Please only serious responses. Thanks in advance.

from Forums - Nutrition

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