Pre/post workout nutrition in the morning

I realize there are tons of similar posts, but I have seen so much contradictory information on the internet and would like to ask about my specific situation.

Due to my schedule, I work out in the mornings, immediately after I wake up (I work out at home, mostly heavy compound lifts, focusing on high intensity/strength training). After I work out, I immediately shower and get ready for work. I generally do not eat until lunch time (effectively, I intermittent fast, but make sure to eat enough throughout the day to hit macros/calorie surplus). I also do not use any type of preworkout, and personally feel great lifting while fasted. I have never worried about meal timing, but have recently ran into the post workout nutrition/"anabolic window" question while studying up a bit to dial in my nutrition a bit better. So my questions are:

1. Is this post workout nutrition something I should even worry about, or should what I have been doing be fine, as long as I hit my macros/calories for the day? Given that I work out completely fasted and stay that way until lunch time, I am concerned I am sabotoging myself. (Same question goes for pre-workout).

2. If this is important, can anyone give me suggestions on a post workout meal that I can do easily, given that I work out in the morning and am already in a rush? Something like a shake that I can drink on the way to/at work would probably be perfect. Minimal preparation is important.

3. How soon after my workout do I need to need to eat? I've heard 30 mins, so does that mean if it takes me more than 30 mins to shower/get dressed for work before I get to my shake, I'm screwed?

4. Pre-workout seems even more difficult, so pretty much same questions as above.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated - this is probably the single most frustrating bodybuilding issue I've encountered.

from Forums - Nutrition

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