how accurate are BIA's for determing your fat percentage

i want to know how accurate are these devices. i'm 22 years old, and i workout about 5 days a week on average. i consume about 2200-2500 calories a day with about 165- 190 grams of protien. i was stuck in the same weight for a year. i went from 130 to 150 lbs in the first year of working out and then got stuck in that weight. so i increased my calories to about 2850 calories a day and gained few pounds and then made this BIA test and found that all the weight i gained is fat with absolutely no muscle...!!
so i cut back to my normal deit the 2200-2500 one and did some cardio. ( just 10 min after the end of workouts only 3 times a week)
i was able to lose the excess weight easily in about a week or two. i then made this BIA test again and found that all what i lost was muscle...
thats driving me crazy .. how do i gain fat and lose muscle while i'm working out and eating high protien healthy diet and adequate sleep.
i don't mind to gain some fat as long as i'm gaining muscle with it noting that i'm in the 11- 14% zone.
to sum things up i just want to know how accurate are those devices ( and is it possible to gain fat and lose muscle while you are working out)
my workout plan was a 5 days a week where i hit each muscle group once a week so i'm absolutely not overtraing.
any suggestions...

from Forums - Nutrition

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