Help- Frequent Painful Hunger Pangs & Getting Fat after Birth Control- Losing Hope

I am a female. After starting a birth control pill for medical reasons, my weight shot up over a period of 3-4 months. I gained 7 pounds and my body looks puffier, as well as my face. The weight is noticeable in my face, upper arms, breasts (cup size has increased big time), stomach, and hips. I assume I am retaining water. This morning, I was 1.5 lbs heavier than I weighed myself just now, this evening.

I tried another birth control pill about a week ago but I am not have any improvements in my weight despite carefully watching my diet and in fact, the hunger pangs are even more painful, possibly due to the pill or possibly because I have been focusing on it more, I am not sure.

For context, I never had issues with my weight, was always extremely thin, and honestly never really paid much attention to my diet for weight loss purposes.

Ever since I have been carefully watching my weight, I have been getting intense, painful hunger pangs around ever 2-4 hours despite making sure each snack is high in protein, fiber, and low in carbs. These hunger pangs will wake me up in the middle of the night AND early in the morning. The pain feels like someone is punching and twisting my stomach, breast bone, and stabbing my back. I drink copious amounts of water (with chia seeds or psyllium husk mixed in for the fiber) and eat steamed cauliflower and broc**** along with a few tablespoons of cottage cheese but it only works for ~1 hr before the intense hunger pain comes back and I still wake up twice through the night starving in pain. I consider myself to have strong will-power but these hunger pangs are extremely difficult to ignore.

I have talked to my doctor who claims he believes the birth control is not the culprit of my weight gain as he claims the water weight is supposed to go away after three months and that "research has shown birth control has not been proven to cause weight gain" but I know he is wrong as I have kept a diligent diet log and have not changed my diet despite my weight shooting up. Unfortunately, I will have medical issues if I go off birth control but I cannot keep gaining weight and the water I am retaining makes my face look extremely puffy.

It's extremely depressing and I'm not sure what I should do?

Can anyone recommend anything?
Should be seeing a different doctor or possibly even a specialist such as an endocrinologist or gastroenterologist?
Could these 6 lbs of weight gain be all fat or possibly water retention?

My breasts have increased in cup sizes immensely but I don't consider it a perk given how much weight I've been gaining and how my appetite has seemingly increased. I don't know if my appetite has actually increased or if I am only noticing it by controlling my diet and focusing on it more but the hunger pangs are out of this world PAINFUL.

Please help me. I am getting depressed over this and losing hope I'll ever look the same.

Note: I started the birth control due to debilitating PMS symptoms that came on within the past year that would cause me to sleep anywhere from 14-18 hours for a few days to a week before menstruating, on top of intense cravings and frequent eating and night sweats.

from Forums - Nutrition

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