Confused on Macros now Cause of Discretionary Calorie Allowance

Been making a meal plan and everything for myself using the 40% Protein -40% Carbs -20% Fats method. But now I read this sticky on here " Discretionary Calorie Allowance - What does it mean?"
It says to eat
-1.5g protein per lb/LBM
-0.45g fat per lb/BW
and the left over calories you eat what ever you want, They are calling these kcals, which is a wrong term anyways when i do a google search. a Kcal = Kilocalorie there are 1,000 Kilocalories in 1 Calorie
What if you ate a ribeye steak or something your fats would be way too high and carbs too low and you have no energy??
does it really matter how many fats vs carbs you have as long as you are under on calories? do fats give energy to lift too?
example: eat something high in fats before you lift instead of high in carbs for the same benefit?

I am 5'9" Tall 200 pounds built really stocky never lifted yet, 2,850 Calories maintenance. For me this would come out to
225g Protein = 900 Calories
90g fats = 810 Calories
900+810=1,710 Calories
I still have 1,140 Calories free to eat anything i want?
What happens if this comes out to be like 40% protein, 50% fat and 10% carbs?

My overall goal as a newbie to burn fat and gain muscle I am currently around 25% body fat @ 200 pounds. My max bench (messing around with guys from work wanting to see IF i could lift it) was 185 pounds 2 reps and deadlift 135 did it like 20+ times probably bad form who knows never done them before. We were just goofing off.

Is this Discretionary Calorie Allowance only for losing weight or it for everything?

from Forums - Nutrition

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