Feeling unusual lack of energy (possibly due to heat)?

I've been feeling tired since Saturday night.

I flew out to the Midwest this past Saturday night, and it's pretty hot (high 80s Farehnheit, but 90%+ humidity) and humid here compared to what I'm used to (Bay Area weather). I don't do so well in hot and humid weather, especially humid weather. It makes me feel tired and less energetic, but usually if I go into a cool room (e.g., the gym), then I usually feel much more energetic, almost instantaneously. Well, this didn't happen today when I went to the gym and tried to run my usual mile. I ran 1/3 of the mile at my usual pace and it was really difficult. It wasn't nearly this bad when I went to Atlanta in June. It was even hotter and just as humid there, so I'm not sure if this is related entirely to the hot and humid environment.

My diet has been slightly different in terms of food choices. I feel I'm actually eating healthier (relatively) the past couple of days, and hitting about the same macros, give or take. The one dietary issue I had was I went to this Mongolian grill restaurant yesterday in the early afternoon. Ate a ****load of imitation crab and Swai fish (didn't know what this **** was until I google'd it later and regretted eating it) and had diarrhea for the rest of the day. I get diarrhea more often than the typical person, so this isn't exactly abnormal for me. No diarrhea or stomach pain today.

Right now, I'm feeling kind of nauseous and hot (AC doesn't work), and low energy, but not sleepy. Note that I think I started feeling this way before I ate the mongolian grill, so I don't think it's because of potential food poisoning.

Does anyone else feel a significant decrease in energy levels in hot and/or humid environments? I'm not sure if this is because of the environment or because of the Mongolian grill yesterday or some other dietary issue. Can certain foods make one feel really tired for a long period of time? I've experienced sugar crashes before, which is worse than how I feel now, but it usually lasts only a couple of hours.

I'm supposed to get in a lift session tomorrow and I don't think I'd be able to lift effectively like this.

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/2NtJmXi

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