Meal timings and frequency question

Hi there. This is literally my first post so go easy on me. If this is the wrong place to ask this, please feel free to direct me.

Just a bit of background -
I'm 6 foot 4, 145 lbs.
I've had issues gaining weight for some time (started off at 127lbs which is dangerous, I know.)
In the past 1 1/2 years I've managed to put on 20 lbs of pure muscle! And don't get me wrong I'm super stoked, but I'm not sure if that's a normal amount or not.
My main goal is to hit my "safe" weight range for my height, being 180-220lbs.

So for my question (s) -
I usually take a mass gainer shake (you can tell me these don't work blah blah, and that's fine, but they work for me) as my protein shake after the gym. I don't usually feel bloated or full from it. I was told to eat again right after the gym to replenish nutrients, but is doing so right after already taking 1.3k calories a waste?
Is there a limit to how much one should eat in a certain time frame?
Also, is there a better schedule I can put my self on in terms of eating timings/frequency?

Thank you to any and all that can assist with this.

from Forums - Nutrition

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