Does muscle gain depend on years trained or on progress?

Weird question but here's my condition: I'm a skinny fat ectomorph who has been lifting on and off for 4 to 5 years with absolutely no muscle gains, yes , absolutely NO muscle gains. I'm unsure of the reason behind this(bad diet, training, hormones, genetics, or combination of those) but somehow i have managed to look like someone who hasnt touched a weight in his life.

I'm hoping this time will be different since I've finally learned about nutrition and have a decent training plan and I'm currently on a clean bulk.

My question is: does my 5 years of training(although with 0 results) put me under the category of an 'advanced lifter' who can only expect to gain 2 or so pounds of muscle in an year like some of those charts say, or am i still a 'beginner' because I'm still far away from my genetic potential and i can gain 20 pounds of muscle in an year?

TLDR: does muscle gain every month depend on how many years you have trained(although with non existent results)? or does it depend on how close to the genetic potential for muscle growth that you are at?

from Forums - Nutrition

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