Body weight increase in 1kg steps

I've been on a weight gain plateau for a few weeks and I was able to break it by spreading my meals throughout the day and eating even when I'm not starving.

Before the plateau I weighted 135 pounds, 2-3 days after fixing up my diet my weight jumped by 2 pounds, to 137 pounds.
Now, I'm a hard gainer and weight doesn't just come by that easily so it's not that I just ate too much and gained fat.

Also, I fixed up my diet about a week ago and in that week I saw great performance increase in the gym,
from a state of a weight/rep plateau I was able to increase some exercises by 5 lbs and on others I increased the reps.

Now, this isn't the first time it happened, When I was 129 pounds I jumped to 131 pounds. 132 pounds - I jumped to 134 pounds.
The weight kind of stay like this for awhile, maybe increase a little, decrease a little and then jumps again.
I weigh myself daily so you can imagine how weird it is that my morning weight jumps by 2 pounds out of nowhere.

So my question is if any of you experienced that? And at what rate do you weigh yourself and see change? (solid 0.2 pounds/day, 1-2 pounds/week)

from Forums - Nutrition

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