Am I wasting food?

Hi there. I have an extremely fast metabolism. I don't have issues gaining weight (albeit very slowly) but I have issues with losing it.
I'll go through 3k calories a day and gain 1 lb a week max, but I noticed any time I shy away from this (even 2.5k calories) for a couple days, I drop down a few lbs. I just recently got sick and my calorie intake went straight down to 1k a day for two days and I noticed I had dropped over 6 lbs. That makes me wonder if most of what I'm eating is going to waste, or could there be some underlying problem I'm unaware of?
It just feels like I try so hard to put on weight and any time something interrupts my eating (out of my control) I get severely punished for it. I've put on 6 lbs in about 4 weeks and all of it disappears in 2 days. Thanks for any help!

from Forums - Nutrition

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