Newby to bodybuilding - Are my macros balanced?


Like many people i have been on/off the gym for years, but am now really dedicating my time and focus into taking it more serious and appreciate any feedback regarding the below.

I'll keep this as brief as possible. I want to put on muscle, i eat clean and i'm going for the slower lean bulk approach.

21 Male, 174cm, 145lb, Ectomorph, estimated BF around 12-14% and sedentary job Mon-Fri, friend has been bodybuilding for years, so have been getting a lot of information from him.

Go Gym after work (around 5ish) Mon - Sun (Leg, Push, Pull, rest, tennis, upperbody, tennis) - around 1hr 30mins in gym and tennis 1 hour Friday/2 hours Sunday playing matches.

Been tracking my calories on myfitnesspal, worked out maintenance as 2,500 (ate 2,500 for 1 week and weighed every morning stayed on 145)

My plan was to increase calories slowly and track each week until my weight goes up 1-2lbs consistently, then stay on them calories for the bulk.

I have my current macros set to Protein 160g protein, 55g fat, 390carbs for 2,700kcals.

The main question is, is this too much carbs for a sedentary job? I feel like i wouldn't need this much carbs on a training day especially as ill be sitting at a desk for most of it. Was also thinking of eating proteins + fats until around 2ish then start introducing carbs as i get closer to my workout.

On rest days i was going to keep proteins and fats the same and lower the carbs a little bit back to maintenance (2,500kcals)? + on Sat/Sun again, introduce carbs around my workouts, which will probably be around lunchtime.

I appreciate the read and please let me know if I've missed anything above.

from Forums - Nutrition

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