Is something wrong?

Ive been hardcore bulking for my first strongman competition in March and im talking 3000 calorie surplus (eating 5700 calories everyday)

I always thought veins appear when we are cutting and not when we are in such an obvious bulking surplus. Should I increase the calories even more? Funny enough i wasn't even this vascular when I cut down (my bodybuilding days)

Increasing calories will honestly take a toll on me because its a pain in the ass eating 5700 calories as it is, I blend chicken breast and rice for 2 meals and gulp it down, i cant do that for another meal because im sure ill end up vomiting.

Am I doing something wrong? I only take whey protein and nothing else.. no diuretics

my body has shown no change whatsoever.. i can see my first 4 abs clearly, lower abs are not that visible. I always thought bulking means we have little to no definition?

Again my goal isnt how i look but just increase in strength

my friend who is a professional powerlifter and very well known in Paris, told me that it was because my body is not digesting all the food and my nutrient absorption is weak.. is there any way to fix that?

from Forums - Nutrition

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