Strange health issue, don’t know how to address nutrition!


I used to be very healthy and active, and big into weightlifting.

The then I got injured, and was bedridden with a bad back.

Fast forward many years— my back is healed after surgery, and I’m back to lifting again.

I’m 44, 5’11”, 239 lbs at around 28-30% body fat.

Now here is the problem:

I have mysteriously developed a problem called bile acid malabsorption. This results in horrible diarrhea whenever I eat ANY fat. My body simply cannot process it.

I have no problem losing weight; I typically lose 4 lbs a week eating 1900 calories, consisting entirely of chicken breast, fish, rice, whey protein drink, and lean red meat.

I hear all these horror stories about how NOT eating fat will wreck your body, but my choice seems to be eat fat and sit in the bathroom all day, or risk thyroid damage?

I don’t know what to do.

I have to take testosterone injections (so no worry there about my test being affected,) because my body quit producing it altogether due to my endocrine system being screwed up by pain meds during my years of being crippled with back injuries.

I THINK because I have so much extra body fat to lose, that my body can use it for all the necessary “fat metabolism” related stuff....

It seems going without fat might not destroy my body over maybe 6 months.

I don’t know.

I’ve never known anyone else with my fat malabsorption condition, let alone anyone who does bodybuilding with it.

I’d appreciate anyone’s opinions who cares to share.


from Forums - Nutrition

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