Daily calorie and macro intake for a 16 year old?

Hey, im 16.
Im 5'5 (Im a really short asian lmao).
I used to be 143 lbs, really chubby. After months of cutting, im now around 119 lbs.

The method I used to get to 119 was very inconsistent and unhealthy at first, but I started learning more and more as I went and I think i've established a decent cutting diet for myself. Now I plan on clean bulking for a couple months or maybe even a year, I dont really know much about clean bulking other than eating at a surplus rather than a deficit. I'd love some help on figuring out how many calories I should eat daily and my macros. But the thing is a week or two ago, i had acid problems so my workouts became less frequent, I normally work out 3-5 times a week. But then around that time I could only go once or not go at all. Im not sure if this affected my metabolism alot so I came here to ask for help.

16 y/o
5'5 tall
currently 119 lbs
just got out of a long cut, stopped working out for about 2 weeks and now I want to start clean bulking. dont know much about it but I just got started last monday (wednesday here rn) and im not sure if im overeating or not due to my metabolism maybe slowing down from my 2 week break. here's what I go with atm:

2545 Calories
-254g carbs
-85g fat
-191g protein (I struggle to reach this most of the time)

I plan on working out 3-5 times a week like i did before. ive already went twice this week. Would love some tips and advice on everything really, thanks in advance.

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/2wjREcz

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