Losing fat, and bulking

Hello! New here…

For the past couple of months, I have started lifting dumbbells, started with 6kg per dumbbell, now 9.5kg.

I do 6 exercises, with the dumbbells, covering all muscle groups. Each with three sets at 10 reps

I have noticed I’m getting stronger, but very little physical change in arms.
From looking at forums, other than increasing and increasing weight overtime, one thing I’m now thinking about is the diet side;

It was suggested to a Reddit user they possibly needed to consume more protein to start bulking better, my questions:

I currently have a can of Diet Coke a day, will stopping that make a positive change to my belly? (I would say I’m skinny fat)

Moving from that, would replacing this with a protein shake be a significant change? For both my goals? Would the shake give me body fat too?

If yes to both, how (if at all) significant are theses changes?

Suggestions for protein shake (not powder please) would be appreciated

Thank you!

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/TgV75iv


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