Nutrition Bulk Calories & Macros ?

Whats up !

So let met get to the point. Basically i was 83 KG in the start of 2018 and started cutting down on junk food, soft drinks and all that stuff and decided to get in shape again. Below are my currents stats;

Weight: 62.87KG
Bodyfat: 17%
Height: 165cm

Calorie intake: 2,550
carbs: 280G
fats: 70G
protein: 200G

I can say that considering I managed nutrition, and workout planning myself, I made a success on loosing weight. Even when I put on weight (lets say I go abroad or during festive season) I can easily control my total calorie intake and reduce it slightly and ill shed that extra weight pretty fast. I also had bought a body fat caliper, and now bought a xiaomi mi fit body scale which is quite a good deal considering its price ($70)

Now my problem is putting on weight! With my current macros I do put on weight, but barely 1 KG per month, and i do train properly, trust me, and i honestly look bigger but dont know if its actually bigger or else just getting leaner and the muscles show up more? I know, you'll probably say, just eat more, but yeah, 250G of chicken breast, with 200G of potatoes and 80G of veg is already too much as lunch for me, and i try eating every 3/4 hrs.

I focus on eating mostly wholegrain foods, stay away from greasy take outs and junk food etc, although when i have my cheat day, i make sure i enjoy it. Attached to this thread find 3 screenshots showing the foods i typically eat, also a screenshot of my current bodystats from the mi fit app and a progress collage picture.

What would your suggestions be? should i opt for food that is more dense in calories for example, include more nuts in my diet and continue increasing my calorie intake ? or just have patience and stay with the same intake and do a sort of "Lean bulk". The problem when i try to eat more is that it will be difficult to stay within a certain specific amount of carbs/fats/protein without going over on or the other.

Your suggestions and experiences are greatly appreciated ! Thanks :)
Attached Images

from Forums - Nutrition


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