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So, I am a soldier displaced in Kuwait at the moment. I had a plan going back almost 2 years now... but it kind of fell apart due to multiple injuries.
Short : Car crash in late 2015, surgery late 2016, out of shape by beginning 2017. Cut from 265(Apr) to 207(Aug) then bulk back to 260(Mar18) and go into deployment cutting(Jun).
At the end of my bulk I messed up my shoulder doing 5x5 on bench with 340. Didn't want to miss deployment so ignored it going into cut. Then recently messed up my back doing combatives... and army docs have no idea so... yeah
Can't do much of anything upper body, back injury has nerve involvement, left pec only activates ~65% went from 10-12 reps with 250 to barely able to press 185x3. Not "allowed" to work anything above abs.
Since landing in Kuwait I have fallen into a diet of convenience... maybe even laziness. Basically a 24:0 IF combined with 5:3? fast schedule. I leave work Mon-Fri at 1100 and go to chow hall to eat. 2 cheeseburgers(no bun), salad(with bacon/eggs), fruit, whatever vegetable offered that day. Hard to figure exact caloric value... likely around 2,000 calories, mostly protein. This is the only meal I eat daily. After Fridays lunch I am fasting till Mondays lunch, 72 hours, not for any specific reason. I am taking several suppliments just to be sure on vitals.
So... I came here 6mo ago at 6'2, 245lbs (there is a pic on profile), last weigh-in was 210. Outside of kind of being ludicrous, the diet is easy for me to manage in this enviroment, can anyone see any legit issues with it that I might have missed?
So, I am a soldier displaced in Kuwait at the moment. I had a plan going back almost 2 years now... but it kind of fell apart due to multiple injuries.
Short : Car crash in late 2015, surgery late 2016, out of shape by beginning 2017. Cut from 265(Apr) to 207(Aug) then bulk back to 260(Mar18) and go into deployment cutting(Jun).
At the end of my bulk I messed up my shoulder doing 5x5 on bench with 340. Didn't want to miss deployment so ignored it going into cut. Then recently messed up my back doing combatives... and army docs have no idea so... yeah
Can't do much of anything upper body, back injury has nerve involvement, left pec only activates ~65% went from 10-12 reps with 250 to barely able to press 185x3. Not "allowed" to work anything above abs.
Since landing in Kuwait I have fallen into a diet of convenience... maybe even laziness. Basically a 24:0 IF combined with 5:3? fast schedule. I leave work Mon-Fri at 1100 and go to chow hall to eat. 2 cheeseburgers(no bun), salad(with bacon/eggs), fruit, whatever vegetable offered that day. Hard to figure exact caloric value... likely around 2,000 calories, mostly protein. This is the only meal I eat daily. After Fridays lunch I am fasting till Mondays lunch, 72 hours, not for any specific reason. I am taking several suppliments just to be sure on vitals.
So... I came here 6mo ago at 6'2, 245lbs (there is a pic on profile), last weigh-in was 210. Outside of kind of being ludicrous, the diet is easy for me to manage in this enviroment, can anyone see any legit issues with it that I might have missed?
from Forums - Nutrition
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