Cant decide to Continue Bulk or Cut?

Began working out/lifting weights on April 2018 for the first time.

Stats when I started:
Weight: 150 Pounds (68 Kilograms)
Height: 5'10
Age: 24
Body Fat %: Unknown

As of Today:
Weight: 178 pounds (80 Kilograms)
Body Fat %: Those (unreliable) scales say that im 19.3% body fat.

Some Gym/body context:
I do an upper body/lower body split, 1 day cardio in between (Wednesday) and rest on the weekends.
I lift heavy, 3 sets of 8-10. (I use the smith machine for bench press currently because I have a wrist issue - which I lift about 150 pounds on)

Measurements (Flexed):
Arms - 14.5 Inches
Chest - 42.5 Inches
Waist (Belly button) - 34 Inches
Thighs - 24.4 Inches
Shoulders - 46 Inches
Calves - 15.2 Inches
Hips/Butt - 40 Inches

I'll supply some UNFLEXED photos (which btw look way worse than in the mirror lol). The problem I have is, ALL my fat is in my love handles/flanks. It's just how my genetics are, i have no fat anywhere else.
So a part of me looks at myself and says "You're still too small, you need to keep bulking" But then my love handles just keep getting bigger making my physique look horrible.

I'm still in my first year of training/lifting, and do a ton of research and read a lot, but I dont know what to do at this phase because of how my genes place my body fat. If my body fat was more well rounded, I would have preferred to keep bulking especially since im still under a year of training.

But these damn love handles/flanks ruin all my self-esteem and I'd appreciate all the advice I can get on which path to take and maybe even how much calories to consume on that path!
Thanks everyone!

P.S - If anyone here can try to estimate my body fat % at a glance, id appreciate the gesture.
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from Forums - Nutrition

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