Unexplained weightloss, abnormal weight

Please give any advice, at this point I’m getting very pissed, agitated and feeling hopeless which likely isn’t helping my problem. Just turned 18 yo, white male. 5’ 8” and 120 lbs. I just lost 10 pounds from last years checkup. I weigh the same as when I was 14! 1/4” of fat on the fattest part of stomach. 1/8” and 3/32” everywhere besides my bottom 2 abs. Thighs are 1/8 to 3/32 besides the tiny area covering my inside tendons. Calves are 1/8. Forearms 3/32. Biceps are literally less than 3/32. (Ps. 3/32” is smaller than 1/8”) Triceps maybe get up to 1/4. Some lower back areas might barely get up to 1/2”. Last year I was not busy for a good while so I really spent my whole days eating down 3000 calories a day with a lot of peanut butter, meats, nuts, milk, noodles ect not being very active. I gained around 5 lbs in 2 months and once I started working I don’t have time to revolve my entire life around eating but still ate around 1000 calories per meal, no breakfast. Then I lost 10lbs and dropped to 120... not sure I can lose much more besides slowly losing muscle that I use everyday. I work 10 hour days. I still had almost no fat then so I probably lost muscle. Got bloodwork done with no problems shown. Can’t be in any cold without my body shaking and I now work outside as a union pipewelder and winter is coming here in kansas. I gave up trying and caring years ago since my arms and core are surprisingly strong and I can still lift and move around 140+ lb awkward gas bottles in the mud. My legs are small as **** but I can run fast. Regardless im ****ing sick of losing this much weight at 18 and trembling in 65 degree weather. I’ve heard raw milk, raw eggs and raw grass fed meat can be excellent because the extra bacteria digests it so much better without being killed from cooking it. And after all bacteria does 90% of our digestion and makes up almost all of our body. Even if I eat enough to feel sick it’s still not enough so maybe I should take insulin. Even when I smoked a bunch of weed everyday and ate too much I still never gained weight. Anything will be considered but I can’t even eat enough to maintain weight let alone gain weight so I’m pretty much ****ed unless there’s some magical food

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/2n14Kaz


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