Nutrition Sanity Check

How's it going all, looking to get some feedback on what I've worked out:


Sedentary job (desk) but strenuous fitness (5-day lift split + 5-day run/MMA/basketball).

Goal: 13% BF + gains

I'm in solid shape at this point after 4 months of keto @ ~1,800 kcal/day @ 35/5/60 Protein/Carb/Fat combined with the fitness above w/o supplements, and now I'm ready to get serious.

What I've worked out after a lot of research which gave me a maintenance level of ~3,000 kcal/day: ~2,700 kcal/day @ 35/35/30 Protein/Carb/Fat to achieve my goal of dropping my BF percentage and increasing strength (aesthetically and functionally).

I've also incorporated pre-workout, post-workout, creatine, and BCAA supps gradually based on the great information on this forum and others.

Question: is my cal/macro goal on the right track, and is there anything I'm missing?


from Forums - Nutrition

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