Need help optimizing my diet to reach my goal [structured]

Hey everyone, newbie here would appreciate some help. Gonna dive straight into the numbers and my goal.

Weight: 100KG / 220 Pounds. Height: 175cm / 5.7f. Age: 23. BMR: 1984 calories.
Activity: Doing the insanity workout program. 1984 calories x 1.4 = 2777 calories.
Body fat percentage (According to a website calculator): 28.5%

Nutrition Plan outline (See attachment for full):
2060 Calories, 169g protein, 56g fat, 208g carbs (178 taking fiber away)
35% Protein, 25% Fat, 40% Carbs split.

Weight: 84-88KG / 185-194 pounds (Not sure what the weight usually is for someone who has the body type I want)
Body: Well defined muscles and abs. Basic muscle building leaning more towards visual appeal over strength (I don't want to get jacked or bulk really hard, I just want to have a six pack / muscular body outline) - 12% Body fat?

Additional Info:
It doesn't feel like fat is distributed evenly among my body. My arms and legs are not as fat as the average 100Kg person. Most of it is in my upper body (Belly, chest) . I also noticed that my belly/chest are the last to shrink when i'm trying to lose weight.

Questions: Does the macro split match my goals? Is my workout alright for my goal? Are the calories too little/too much? Is my goal weight right or should it be lower? Any tips or changes I can make?

Thanks for reading :)
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