cholesterol problem - need some advice

hi guy's I haven't been on this in a while.

basically I joined the gym approx. 3 months ago 4 days a week weight lifting.(been very consistent and growing etc

about two weeks ago i noticed a yellowish patch on my eyelid - i googled it and after getting around the fact i was going to die... i realised it was due to high blood pressure. so this morning i visited my work doctor which did a quick cholesterol and blood pressure test on me - blood pressure apparently was amazing but my cholesterol was 7.44 (she said it should be 5 or lower) She will not recommend me for further blood tests until she tests me again in 6-8 weeks time - due to my age (26)

currently i have spent 2 weeks dropping my calories back to maintenance until i know what is happening.
high cholesterol runs in the family (dads side) but as far as we have been told this only passes down the female line?

now the question.
i want to aim to get my cholesterol down in the next 6 weeks. i have done some research and have came to the conclusion that my cholesterol could be due to a few factors

- low fibre
- to many egg yolks
- sliced ham
- bodyfat is high - as i understand skinny fat people tend to have the bodyfat around their organs - could this be a factor?
- not enough of the correct fats( cannot consume any type of nut/certain seeds - wife is highly allergic to this)

i understand how calories in and calories out works but could my high cholesterol be due to putting on bodyfat while bulking?

i worked out my calories as per:
maintenance 2350-2400cal ish
bulk 2850cal

starting weight - 12st 3pound (170pounds)
current weight - 13st 2 (184 pounds)
body fat approx. 19-21% (skinny fat as most call it)
my bulking split looked close to
180g - protein
90g - fats

maintenance looks like
180g - protein
90g - fats
200g - carbs

my daily food normally comprises of:(2850 cal)
meal 1 -breakfast omelette 3 eggs/handful of mushrooms and about 50g of sliced ham and a sesame bagel (585calories)
meal 2 - 200g mixed veg/150g chicken breast/100g broc**** - (396calories)
meal 3 - 140g oats + 2 protein scoops - (721 calories)
meal 4 -approx. 1100 calories of chicken/potato/rice etc normally quite healthy (wont lie - garlic bread/halloumi cheese/Caesar salad 3 times a weekish)

only difference of maintenance intake is the reduction of oats.

fish is never inc into my diet (wife hates it)
beef/steak is once every 2 weeks
i do not eat the skin on the chicken.
normally go with lean meats

any help in this section would be much appreciated.

from Forums - Nutrition


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