New to bulking - am I lean bulking too fast?

I am to new to seriously working out/bulking. I used to always go to the gym and did machine workouts but never really changed my diet or my protein intake. I would chug a protein shake here and there, but never ever considered things like consuming protein intake (protein grams) to my body weight. In addition, in terms of diet I ate the minimum I needed. I was the type of person who could not each breakfast or lunch and still be fine. Most of the time I would have really low calorie meals. I didn't track my calories, but at least from the beginning of high school to end of college if not even a year after (my weight as a constant 115-122 lbs.)

It wasn't till the beginning of this year that I realized that I am way too skinny and don't fit any shirts etc. I wanted to get bigger for my own health and well being. I went to the gym earlier this year for the first couple months (before COVID shut the gym down) and went from 120 lbs to 128 lbs. Note during this time, I didn't do compound movements like bench press, dead lifts etc. I was strictly just doing machines.

As of about a month (6/24) - I incorporated compound movements (bench press, squats, dead lifts, inclined chest press) + free weight exercises. I do a Push, Pull, Legs routine. ( I got rid of machines - or put them on the lower priority).

I also started eating ~3000 calories a day. I went from about 128 lbs to about 155 lbs right now in about a month and a week or so.

I follow a strict diet of the following:


* Fat Free Yogurt

* Protein shake

* Brown Rice

* 3 Eggs

Noon Lunch:

* Rice + Healthy Vegetable Curry

* Protein Shake

Evening Lunch:

* Rice + Healthy Vegetable Curry

* Protein Shake

Night Dinner:

* Pasta (Semolina) + Pasta Sauce

* Fat Free Yogurt

* 2 servings (70 g) soaked almonds

This is what I eat every day, it comes to around a little over ~3000 calories. My weight went from around 128 at the beginning to about 155 lbs. I only want to clean bulk and no dirty bulking. I am scared that I am gaining too much fat... What should I do T_T. I also should add I am 5 foot 9 inches.

I did a TDEE Caloric intake and determined that I should be consuming 2,602 calories to maintain my current weight. I guess it doesn't make sense to do a TDEE back then when I was 115-120 lbs. Obviously this isn't all muscle gains - I certainly gained fat. I also noticed gains at the gym.

e.g Bench press - went from benching on 6/24 75lbs to currently 105 lbs.

e.g Skull crushers - went from 30-40lbs to currently 60lbs.

I am trying to bulk clean and healthy. Please let me know your thoughts and suggestions - what I should do. I don't want to be gaining constant amount of fat.

e.g Macro Breakdown for a day:

Calories - 3085

Carbohydrates - 457 g (Rice + Pasta)

Protein - 189.4 - (Note my body weight is 155 lbs right now and I am def consuming much more than 1 g / 1 lb rule of thumb) (As a vegetarian protein sources are primarily shakes - but I also get it from Yogurt, Almonds, Eggs)

Fat - 60.5 (All of these fats are from healthy sources like Almonds, Olive Oil etc. - NO TRANS FAT)
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