Opinions on my diet

Hey everyone,

I'm using iifym for almost a year now and i really enjoy the concept and the flexibility it offers..

Currently im on a lean bulk, eating around 2300 calories daily.
Macros are: 150 protein, 60 fat, 290 carbs.
Also, im around 174 cm tall and weight 66 kg.

I'm very busy and therefore im literally not at home all week so i use meal prep and i feel that my diet is great and filled with everything but just wanted to hear your guys thoughts!

Daily routine:
6:30 - waking up

7:00 - starting to workout (5 days per week)

9:30 - having my first meal which is: 150 grams of cooked chicken, 150 grams of cooked rice and 150 grams of broc**** with sariracha sauce. (I find that i train best fasted)

13:00 - drinking coffee with 100 ml of milk.

15:00 - second meal: 80 grams of oatmeal cooked in water with cacao powder and cinnamon. Topped with some raisins and some mini chocolate chips.

17:30 - drinking my second cup of coffee (again with 100 ml of milk).

19:00 - third meal: 150 grams of salmon, 175 grams of couscous and 150 grams of broc**** with sariracha sauce.

21:00 - last meal: 80 grams of oatmeal cooked in water with cacao powder and cinnamon. Topped with 1 whole banana and 4-6 squares of dark chocolate.

Also, im drinking around 5-6 liters of water daily.

Would be awsome to hear what you think!
Thanks :)

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/2COkjeG


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