Full chicken breast vs ground chicken breast

I’ve been training properly for 6 months, I’m fed up of eating chicken breast so decided to buy it as I normally do from the butchers then ground it at home. My questions when tracking my calories does it make a difference if I grill 100grams of grounded chicken breast compared to a full size piece of 100g chicken breast. Are the macros the same? It’s more easier to eat grounded chicken breast since I can make them into a kebab and enjoy it much more. I use my fitness pal to track my macros but can’t find an option for cooked grounded chicken breast. Can I just use grilled chicken breast since it’s the same but I’ve just grounded it my self. Sorry if this is a dumb question but it’s just bugging me and I couldn’t find answers anywhere.

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/2JmqpEz


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