Increasing calories for bodyrecomposition/fatloss

Just some quick stats about myself, Weigh 111kg, height is 181cm 22 years old and my last dexa scan 2 weeks ago had me at 32% body fat. My trainer has been increasing my calories over the last 4 months from 2450 to currently 2750 odd ( Macros are 300g protein, 90g fat and 175g of carbs). The gym is a body recomposition gym, and They give me a training program that changes every month. I have not really seen the scales change in the last 2 months its gone from 113 to 111 and my lifts are going up ( Bench went from 85kg for 8 to 92kf for 8 and deadlift 160kg for 7 to 180kg for 7), I am abit leaner but not drastically. Before going here i had dropped 20kg on my own in the space of 6 months of gym and diet. My end game is i would like to compete in a mens physique comp, now I know I was overweight and its a big goal but i have been compliant with dieting and training since december 2017 and hope to compete december 2019. My question is - While increasing my calories i have been getting abit leaner every month but nothing earth shattering, would it be more efficient to cut calories rather then build on them? He said we are building them up to 3200 odd so we can work into a deficit from there and not lose muscle. I am struggling with the concept for the last 4 months so thought i would ask here. :) Also i went and did this test where i breath into a mask at 6am rested and it tells me my RMR( Resting metabolic rate) and that said without doing excersice and daily **** i would burn 2380 calories lying down all day)

from Forums - Nutrition


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