Diet plan for liver damage and high blood pressure??


I'm 31 and I was just diagnosed with acute liver failure, stage 2 hypertension (157/105) and had a resting heart rate of 115. This is after 17 years of hard drug addiction, alcoholism, and almost exclusively junk food diet.

I finally got the message and I've been sober for almost 2 weeks now. I need to make some serious changes in my life.

I am so overwhelmed by trying to create a diet plan for myself. I know medical advice is probably not allowed here, but does anyone know what I should be eating to help my liver heal and lower my blood pressure? I have 2 medications I'm on to get my BP down, but I need to eat right.

Is there a guide or wiki for someone like me?

If anyone has some tips for someone in my situation I would be so thankful.

Also: I am 6'0" and my BMI is 26.1

from Forums - Nutrition


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