Frustrated with myself relationship with food

Hello, long time reader, not so active message poster. Hit a point where I thought I'd reach out to get some help regarding nutrition. Since March of this year I've managed to shave off 25 lbs of fat through exercise and a decent diet. I workout about three or four times a week and follow the caloric deficit guide on My Fitness Pal when I plan out my meals

I'm not big a muscular but I am happily seeing some nice toning and a bit of muscle development happening. I'm in my early 40's and am very happy with the positive turn I've taken with my health. I'm 6'0 and was close on to 40 pant size but now a 36; would like to get to a 34

It has been a road of much learning about exercise and diet

I haven't given up any type of food, just severely reduced the amount of certain ones; I can count on one hand the number of beer I've had this year. For that matter, I'm finding I enjoy eating cleaner now. I don't have to force myself to eat healthy

But it seems like I'm currently spinning my wheels trying to stick to a healthy diet. Just now I somehow gave in to two muffins, a cupcake and a bag of chips. That is so unlike me lately and it frustrates me that I don't have the will power I seem to have had to resist. It's been like this since September; some days are good, some days are bad. I can feel it at the gym too; when I have a couple of days of good eating I feel strong and pumped for exercise. On bad days like today if I'm lucky enough to not feel bloated, there not energy. I guess from lack of nutrition

I'm starting to ramble bc I'm frustrated and disappointed with myself. Like I hit a wall or an addiction to junk food. Has anyone experienced this? If so how did you manage it or get through it? Any advice is hugely appreciated

from Forums - Nutrition


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