Calorie Usage

So I’ve got my TDEE for my job type and the fact I lift weights 6 times a week which all factors into what my daily consumption should be. Now I follow this but there are times when I want to do cardio on a night aswel so adding a 2nd session of the day but feel like I need more food to fuel this and the food afterwards to recover. If say I’ve eating my daily allowance of 2400 which is what I need to be in a 25% deficit but then go on to my 2nd session of the day and burn 700 - 800 calories does that mean i can then have the extra food of that amount burnt and still be in my 25% deficit range for the day?.. As you can see it’s got me a little confused and I don’t want to be undoing the hard work I’m putting in if I’m getting it a bit wrong. Thanks for any help in advance.

from Forums - Nutrition


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