Some help please..

Hey guys

Im struggling and am seeking for advice to get this started

I bought a digital scale sunday but also have a normal scale (with a pointer, not sure how its called)
Now they both are on the same surface yet when I ho to the digital it says I weigh 94.5kg and on the othee one (analog is the name maybe?) I weigh 3kg less.. now this got me confused. I got the digital so I could track it abit more accurate like 90.3, 90.4, 90.6 etc instead of always 90.5 or 90 or 91/91.5
How can this be? When i put 6liters of water it weighs accurate 6kg on both scales.

Also then 94.5kg, 2100 kcal is this too low or too high? According to the tdee calculator and the harris benedict one it says 2.200 kcal if I only do 3 full body workouts a week. Should I also include if I would do cardio or not in how many days I would exercise?

Like today I am eating 2100.. i notice alot of cravings at the moment, its my first day after all after well.. binging as I got this bad habit like when I say f*** it and start eating/drinking crap again

I really wanna get "fit" and drop my bf% and weight down but really wanna know how to approach this the best way. My gf wants me to eat 1800/1900 but I think thats too low and Im gonna lose maybe faster weight if I manage to be disciplined but i also know my cravings might be worse too.. im so confused atm and so insecure about myself im not sure how to begin and succeed with my diet

Current stats
94.5kg (according to digital scale)
Bf% probably above 25% lots of lovehandles and well weak flubby body
Will measure in the weekend but last time was 104cm waist, might be abit higher now not sure
Started / attempting diet today with workout

2100kcals 184p, 58f, 210c but right today i have eaten or calced 189p, 159c, 73f

Workout I started today viking bare bones, light weight, no cardio yet. Maybe tomorrow abit of spinning cycling (virtual cycling app in the gym) or maybe c25k running with walking. Maybe hiit after workout, rope skipping maybe or just walking on treadmill

Thats about it. I hope its layout correctly, i really wanna nail this and finally get my head into it but asking for any tips and advice and also about the scale question

from Forums - Nutrition


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