cutting diet question/critique

So ive been on a cut for about 3-4 months now. I'm 6', currently 168 (started at about 178-180) and somewhere between 14-16% bf (estimate).
I wouldnt call myself skinny fat, but when I started the cut I definitely had some junk in the trunk and stomach area. Ive seen all that slim down, but still have some stubborn fat stored in the stomach area. I cant see my abs unless I flex, and then I can only see the upper ones. I'm really not sure what bf % I am, but thought Id post some info here for input o make sure I'm doing everything right as it feels like Ive hit a bit of a plateau

I'm not crazy healthy with meal options but avoid processed food and try to eat at least a serving of veggies a day. Also take multivitamin and creatine with whey protein almost every day. Also typically do a re-feed/cheat day once a week
(I used the emma-leigh formula found in these forums to calc these)

Workout: Currently running Vikings bare bones upper/lower plan at beginner strength levels
Besides working out I have a desk job but I go for a few 10min walks a day and play basketball most Saturdays

My goal is to get to approximately 12% bf
Appreciate any input or changes I could make to optimize this cut, I'm feeling ready to bulk

from Forums - Nutrition


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