Sudden weight drops during the years

Hello, I am 1.90m*82kg, 33 years old.
I started doing workout 3 years ago, currently doing 3 days per week, my health is perfect, always been healthy. My diet today should be ok now (around 3000 kcal per day and 150 g of proteins, should be enough), I have used this forum a lot to calculate all the macronutrients needed during these years and refined my food habits a lot, I am currently slowly gaining weight again and getting stronger with the workouts.

However, I have always been struggling with sudden weight losses since my late teenage years, since when I decided to completely drop junk foods and I ended up being very skinny for almost a decade. I became vegetarian several years ago, I remember that I gained a lot of weight because I was eating 300g of pasta per day and I was not doing much sport, but when I reduced the amount of pasta and started doing just a bit cardio few times per week my weight dropped by 8 kg in one month or so.

I gained some good weight last year up to 86 kg, but this summer I reduced the amount of carbs just a bit and added football once per week to the 3 days workout and I lost 4-5 kg in a couple of months, which had a very negative impact on my appearance as well, especially my face got much skinnier. The belly area was not much affected, fair enough...

It looks like if my body is extremely likely to lose weight. I have got tested for allergies and everything is ok, my intestine is fine as well. Just to make a comparison, I usually discuss with some friends of mine who are into fitness. They seem to eat less than me (my lunches are almost twice their size!) and, still, they look very athletic. I feel like I am condemned to eat like a monster for the rest of my life just to avoid losing weight very quickly and this a bit demotivating. Do you have any idea if this is something common or due to some kind of mistake in my nutrition? Many thanks for any advice or help.

from Forums - Nutrition


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