Did I Zig Zag or Do I Need More Calories?

Hi all. First, my name is Jolie. I have been reading many articles on this website for about 2 months. So many of what you all post has been so helpful to me. I'm not a body builder, but I was very much into fitness and dance well into my twenties. But then, I moved to the south and got lazy and what can I say... It's kind of true about the southern diet, lol. No offense to any southerners here. I love my southern husband and my new home, but there are some truths there...I ate and behaved like a southerner and I gained 27 lbs and was starting to resemble something from the movie Wall E.

I guess I'm trying to figure out if I'm zig zagging or not getting enough calories. Oh, I should probably say that I 5 ft 8 and I had reached 167. Normally, I was about 140. My friends always told me that I was too skinny, so I made 150 my goal weight.

Started with keto(minimal success and just gained all the weight back). Then I was like forget it, water fast.

Week 1: Water fast mon-thurs. Then ate 2000 cals each day fri-sun. lost 8lbs
Week 2 - 3: Same as above. Lost another 5 lbs
Week 4-6: Stalled at 155 but then I went on trip and ate like a maniac and came home and still lost 5 more pounds. I had six pints of beer and ate sushi and meatball sandwiches; bottles of wine and pasta.

I didn't exercise at all during these weeks. Sure, did some walking on my trip, but mostly just partied with my friends back home in Santa Barbara.

At this point, I'm 150 and I'm happy but decide that I just want to lose 5 more pounds, but no more fasting/keto. I want maintain with a normal diet. I've been stalled at 150 for three weeks now and 1000-1200 calories a day, but I've added 60 minutes of mini stair climber everyday. Have you guys ever tried one? This thing is awesome. You can text and do other stuff, read... whatever and still get a good sweat. You're doing other stuff, so you don't get bored! Lol.

Well, this weekend I ate like a mad woman. Anyone ever had pad Thai duck curry soup? Loaded with rice and veggies, yeah, but I estimate I still probably consumed over 7000 calories between Friday and Saturday. Egg rolls and sauces... etc. Then Sunday I ate an entire pizza and an entire pan of brownies. Today, I'm down four pounds. What's funny is I'm hungry. My stomach is grumbling. Like I'm light headed and hungry. I feel it's "true hunger."

Zig zag or do I need to eat more? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you so much for reading my post.

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/2Nz2tTM


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