Calculated my macros, but unsure if they fit my goals

Hey, I'm new to forum posting, so hopefully this isn't a blatantly dumb post. I'm 25 y/o, 228 lbs, and haven't calculated my body fat %, but I have no doubt its 20-25% or even higher…I am definitely NOT a lean dude by any means. My overall goals are to build muscle and improve my cardiovascular health and I figure the first phase in doing that is to start losing weight. I want to get down to 180 lbs by losing about 1-2 lbs per week. Between work and my leisure time, I'm almost completely sedentary and haven't regularly gone to the gym in years, however, I have (very) recently started going to the gym again. I'm going 3x a week doing some low-intensity compound weightlifting (to ease my muscles back into a weightlifting program) and 30-40min moderate-intensity cardio each time I go.

With my weight loss goal and new gym regimen in mind, I spent a bunch of time toying with the numerous calorie calculators available on the internet trying to nail down my daily nutrition needs, since I've basically had no consistent calorie intake for ages (my eating times were always inconsistent and I often fluctuated between consuming way too few calories and way too many on a daily basis). After playing with the various calculators, I estimate my BMR to be about 2,000 calories, and factoring in the exercise I'm now doing and creating a small deficit for weight loss, I set my daily calorie goal at 2,200 calories. I then spent a bunch of time looking into finding a ratio for my macros. I came across several articles discussing the various body types and determined that I have an endomorphic body type. According to the articles I read, endomorphs should set their carbs low (around 20-30% of their daily calories) and have a higher protein and fat intake. This led me to set the following macro ratio:

2,200 calories
35% Fat -> 86g
20% Carbs -> 110g
45% Protein -> 248g

Then, while going through the forum stickies, I saw a post talking about how macros should be calculated using the “grams per pound of body weight” method, and now I’m unsure of my previous calculations. On one hand, the “ratio” method makes sense in terms of limiting carbs to fit my endomorphic body type and is easy to readjust as I near my target weight. But on the other hand, the “grams per pound of body weight” method makes sense in terms of not intaking more fat and protein than my body can utilize. So I figure I could use the opinions of the more experienced fitness people out there. Do my macros based on ratio seem reasonable and fit my weight-loss goal, or are they way out of proportion? Should I recalculate them using the “grams per pound of body weight” method?

As a side note, once I figure out my macros, I do plan to normalize my eating times and attempt to hit my macros as accurately as possible each day.

from Forums - Nutrition


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